Presented by Dogged Perseverance, Inc.


Online Registration Deadline: Friday, Jul 11, 2025 at 5:00 PM ET

Total Event Registration Limit: 250

Select Your Category

Category Start Time Prizes Field Limit Fee
12 Mile w/ OWN KAYAKER $575.25 incl. $25.25 fee 7:00 AM 15 $575.25 incl. $25.25 fee
  • 12 mi
    12 Mile Open Water Swim with own kayaker
12 Mile w/ KAYAKER PROVIDED BY EVENT $678.25 incl. $28.25 fee 7:00 AM 4 $678.25 incl. $28.25 fee
closed 12 Mile w/ KAYAKER PROVIDED BY EVENT Waitlist $0 7:00 AM 6 $0
  • 12 Mile w/ KAYAKER PROVIDED BY EVENT Waitlist
6 Mile w/OWN KAYAKER $498 incl. $23 fee 7:00 AM 17 $498 incl. $23 fee
  • 6 Mile Open Water Swim
6 Mile w/ KAYAKER PROVIDED by EVENT $601 incl. $26 fee 7:00 AM 5 $601 incl. $26 fee
  • 6 Mile Open Water Swim
closed 6 Mile w/ KAYAKER PROVIDED by EVENT Waitlist $0 7:00 AM 6 $0
  • 6 Mile Open Water Swim
12 Mile 2 Person Relay $575.25 incl. $25.25 fee 7:00 AM 2 $575.25 incl. $25.25 fee
  • 12 Mile 2 Person Relay Open Water Swim
12 Mile Relay Member Add $0 7:00 AM 2 $0
  • 12 Mile Relay Member Add- To add member information to join a relay.
Kayaker - Volunteering (Pay to Charity) $0 7:00 AM 30 $0
  • This position is volunteering to kayak for the event to escort a swimmer, with the swimmer's fee going to charity.
Kayaker - Paid Position ($100) $0 7:00 AM 30 $0
  • This position is to kayak for the event to escort a swimmer, with the swimmer's fee going to you (paid at registration - see Event Director).
Social Tickets - Seneca Brewing ADDTL TICKETS NEEDED $33.20 incl. $3.20 fee 6:00 PM 50 $33.20 incl. $3.20 fee
  • Additional guest ticket for Pig Roast at Seneca Brewing
Volunteer- Land Based $0 7:00 AM 6 $0
  • This position is for land based volunteer- drive shuttle, finish assistance, 6 mi hosting duties.
Volunteer- Boat Support (Captain) $0 7:00 AM 6 $0
  • This position is to volunteer you and your boat, which must also have another person assigned to ride with you. They should register as volunteer-Boat Support (First Mate)

Volunteer- Boat Support (First Mate) $0 7:00 AM 10 $0
  • This position is to ride in a support boat to monitor swimmers, propellers, and positioning of the boat for the captain.

Sponsorship - GOLD $500 $523.75 incl. $23.75 fee 6:00 PM 1 $523.75 incl. $23.75 fee
  • Sponsorship - GOLD $500
Sponsorship - Silver $250 $266.25 incl. $16.25 fee 6:00 PM 2 $266.25 incl. $16.25 fee
  • Sponsorship - Silver $250
Sponsorship - Bronze $100 $107.25 incl. $7.25 fee 6:00 PM $107.25 incl. $7.25 fee
  • Sponsorship - Bronze $100
Swimmer Team - To get copied on information $0 7:00 AM 30 $0
  • This category is to allow you to enter your information in, mainly email, in the event you would like to be included on group emails.

Event Items

Add donations and merchandise to your registration below. You can also donate or purchase items without registering.
The prices shown include the item cost as well as platform service and processing fees. More about fees >


SilverSponsorship $250 - $266.20

Silver SPonsorship $250


Kayak Rental - $53.24

Kayak Rental


Event Social - Additional Guests

Our event fee includes entrance for the registered swimmer to our social event. You may bring additional guests. The cost is $40 per guest.


Schuyler County K9 Team

The Schuyler County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit is composed of two teams run solely on community donations.

$ -+

Southern Tier K9 Police Canine Association

Founded in 1984, the Southern Tier K9 Police Canine Association is a private non-profit association dedicated to the training of police dogs and their handlers from throughout the state of New York and beyond. The STPCA is funded by membership fees and private donations. These funds are used to purchase K-9’s for training and for the purchase, maintenance and replacement of equipment used in training.

$ -+

Friends of Horseheads Animal Shelter

The Horseheads Community Animal Shelter, Inc.. is a non-profit group whose mission [+more]

$ -+

Humane Society of Schuyler County

The mission of the Humane Society of Schuyler County is to:
Eliminate pet overpopulation
Prevent [+more]

$ -+

Event T shirt - additional (1 included with registration)

Event t shirts are available if you want additional shirts. One shirt is included in your registration.


Location & Contact

Location address:
155 S Clute Park Dr, Watkins Glen, NY  14891
Event Phone Number:
(862) 432-0357
Event Website
Contact Us